Thursday, July 23, 2009

Simply Random:

Yes, just random....b/c I realized that I have not shared my thoughts on this blog in a while. Although, I think I might just be the only person who actually reads my blog :) hehe
So, I'm sharing my thoughts with myself....what a thought?! Okay, now i'm just rambling...

I do have purpose to this post:
At Mack Avenue Community Church, we are going through a series on "Healthy Covenant Community" & last week we were discussing "singleness". This was the first talk that I have heard on singleness since I became a married woman!
Eric Nielson taught on how there is a perception in the world and in the church that singleness is some "condition" that you might just need some "help" for. There is not much of a celebration of singleness, especially in the church!
It's so apparent...especially because as soon as you graduate from college you are asked at every social gathering (i.e. weddings or reunions) "Are you seeing anyone"??? I had a friend recently tell me about a wedding she attended for an old friend, and how it seemed that all anyone wanted to talk about was why she didn't have a man?!?!? I laughed as she told me, "I have plenty of exciting things happening in my life that don't include a romantic relaltionship!"

Ahhh, I'm so guilty of this too!!! Since being married, I have realized just how much I equated finding a man with some sense of satisfaction to my identity (if that even makes sense...) However, now that I am married, I see more clearly than ever, just how much my identity cannot be found in this relationship!

Anyways, back to the sermon, Eric really unfolded the gift that marriage is in a sense that you have the opportunity to wholly give yourself to God. It gives you to opportunity to use your freetime to fully commit to building God's kingdom and developing your intimacy with the Lord.
As I was listening to the sermon, I started to think how I would have disagreed with him 7 months ago (when I was still single). I feel that I would have thought as a married or single your devotion should be to God and you should make time for his Kingdom work, which is still TRUE.

However, now that I am married, I realize how it's true we must cultivate our own relationship with God and have "alone" time. Although, much of the understanding of God and who he is (his love & character) has been revealed to me THROUGH my relationship with my husband. On top of that, marriage is simply hard work and you must make time to spend together, talk through issues, to be intimate, etc and I believe that is fully honoring to God.

It's cool that whatever place we are in life (single or married), God has a perfect design to make himself known in and through us.

Anyone who actually reads this... Thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loved this post, Laurie. I too believe that married couples are honoring God in growing in intimacy with one another, but I also know that there is a reason Paul says what he says in encouraging singleness if we are called to it, right? If we're single we can give our whole heart to God, and I'm sure being married complicates that at times. However, being single complicates it at times also because we don't always use our free time pursing the Lord, if we are honest. It is a challenge to remain engaged 24/7! I struggle with Paul's words often out of fear of marriage meaning doing less in ministry, but then I know the growth marriage would bring to my life also. That is why I'm thankful God is the LIVING God. He can communicate through scripture what He is telling us personally. I pray you and Nick both are able to strive towards Jesus together and in your times of solitude:)

  3. Thanks Laura!
    There's so much to this discussion and I keep learning every day.
    Keep me in your prayers as I am goin on a solitude retreat this weekend.
